全球今热点:译科技 | 斥资3300万欧元!法国独角兽企业投身AI癌症诊断治疗
来源 | TechEU(转载请注明来源)
作者 | Fiona Alston
编译 | 数乾坤
French AI biotech unicorn Owkin has launched a €33 million AI-powered precision medicine project for cancer diagnosis and treatment
The collaboration, PortrAIt, will see the best research hospitals in France working alongside tech firms to develop a minimum of 15 AI-driven tools to enhance cancer diagnosis.
Paris-based AI biotech unicorn Owkin has launched a €33million AI-powered precision medicine project, PortrAIt which has been backed by the French Government.
总部位于巴黎的人工智能生物技术独角兽 Owkin启动了一项耗资 3300 万欧元的人工智能精准医疗项目 PortrAIt,该项目得到了法国政府的支持。
The collaboration will see France’s best research hospitals working with Owkin and other tech companies to develop AI diagnostic tools to detect early and minuscule patterns in patients. It aims to radically improve disease diagnosis, biomarker discovery and outcome prediction in hospitals across the country.
此次合作将使法国最好的研究医院与 Owkin 和其他科技公司合作,开发人工智能诊断工具,以检测患者的早期和微小病灶。旨在从根本上改善全国医院的疾病诊断、确定生物标志物和结果预测。
PortrAIt will produce a platform for all parties to research, collaborate and develop a minimum of 15 AI-driven tools to enhance cancer diagnosis. They will then be tested and deployed in cancer centres and pathology labs across France. The five-year project aims to establish its platform within one year and deploy new AI-based patient diagnostics in hospitals within four years.
PortrAIt 将为各方提供一个用于研究、合作和开发至少 15 种 AI 驱动工具的平台,以增强癌症诊断。然后,它们将在法国各地的癌症中心和病理实验室进行测试和部署。这个为期五年的项目,拟在一年内建立平台,并在四年内将新的基于AI的患者诊断系统部署到医院。
"This project will make it possible to better fight cancer by equipping healthcare professionals with innovative artificial intelligence tools. The aim is to help doctors make the best use of the information contained in histological slides to personalise treatments. This ambitious project brings together major players in the field, both public and private, to form a community of internationally recognised and complementary experts. Nearly 15 million euros from France 2030 have been allocated to this project. It is one of the most important funding projects in our so-called ‘digital health’ strategy,” says Roland Lescure, Deputy Minister for Industry in the French Government.
"这个项目通过为医疗保健专业人员配备创新的人工智能工具,使其能够更好地对抗癌症。其目的是帮助医生最好地利用组织学切片中的信息来进行个性化的治疗。这个雄心勃勃的项目汇集了该领域的主要参与者,包括公共和私营机构,形成了一个国际公认和互补的专家社区。“法国 2030”计划已为该项目拨款近1500万欧元。“它是我们所谓的"数字健康"战略中最重要的资助项目之一。”法国政府工业部副部长Roland Lescure说。
A close-up photograph of histopathology slides. Photo was taken at University Hospital Erlangen.
Gustave Roussy, Centre Léon Bérard, Unicancer and other cancer centres will work closely with Owkin, digital imaging company Tribun Health, and pathology diagnostics group Cypath on the project.
Gustave Roussy、Centre Léon Bérard、Unicancer和其他癌症中心将与 Owkin、数字成像公司 Tribun Health 和病理诊断组Cypath密切合作开展该项目。
“Digital pathology-based precision medicine promises to transform the way we diagnose and treat diseases. It is enabling doctors to tailor treatment to the specific needs of their patients at an earlier stage, while democratising access to high-quality, personalised treatment," says Meriem Sefta, Chief Diagnostics Officer at Owkin.
“基于数字病理学的精准医学,有望改变我们诊断和治疗疾病的方式。它使医生能够在早期阶段根据患者的特定需求定制治疗,同时使获得高质量、个性化治疗的机会民主化。” Owkin 首席诊断官 Meriem Sefta说。
“PortrAIt will empower French hospitals to play a leading role in the development of the next generation of AI-powered diagnostic tools. Our aim is to make France the global leader in digital pathology-based precision medicine,” adds Sefta.
“PortrAIt 将使法国医院能够在下一代人工智能诊断工具的开发中发挥主导作用。我们的目标是使法国成为基于数字病理学的精准医疗领域的全球领导者。”Sefta 补充道。
全球今热点:译科技 | 斥资3300万欧元...
来源|TechEU(转载请注明来源)作者|FionaAlston编译| -
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